This week we are going to talk about two great shooters. Street Fighter 30th Year Anniversary Collection a great collection of Street Fighter 2, Alpha Series and Street Fighter 3 all in one collection. There is games in this collection that will take you back to your better memories (or worse…lol) of the series. With online play, perfect arcade based graphics, a museum and music mode that will have you rehearing your favorite level music. Also did we mention that the game has an online lobby for all of the games in this collection!!! So you can relive those moments that you had in your favorite arcade playing one or all of these classics. However we did have some concerns about the game and you can see our thoughts about the fighting games series here in our review.
We also got our hands onto a bowling game that is Crazy Strike Bowling EX. Now this game is very family friendly with a 4-player couch play as well very animated characters, vivid backgrounds and did we mention that it is bowling? With multiple gameplay modes from standard bowling, to crazy objective based game modes, to even a player vs. player mode in which two players go at it trying to bowl down their opponent pins, there is a lot of gaming here for those bowling fans out there. Well before you go running out there to go pick this up, be sure to read our review about this title and some of the concerns that some of our game testers ran into during the review of the game. Now I personally loved the game, but than again I am a bowling fan, but others had some thoughts about the game. Be sure to check out the review here and let us know what you think!
# StreetFighter30thYearAnniversaryCollection #crazystrikebowlingex