Shadow of the Loot Box

Get your loot boxing on with this charming, funny game in which it makes fun of other series and their overuse of Loot Boxes, DLC, Add-Ons, and the best part? LOOT BOXES for everyone!

General Gameplay

Shadow of the Loot Box is a first-person shooter style of game in which you must go through different style of levels where the game is making fun of the industry usage of Loot Boxes, DLC, Add-Ons and other money-making things to make the player pay to enjoy more of the game.  If anything, the game is a satire of the industry by taking moments from different games and making fun of them.  The Game Visuals are done is a “Minecraft” style where everything is blocky 8-bit style.  The game is very colorful in its colors and everything in the game from enemies, objects, backgrounds, weapons are easily seen in the game.  Shadow of the Loot Box does not support a colorblind mode and with some of our gamers that were playtesting the game, they did have some trouble seeing red and green on the gaming monitor.  We did not find anything offensive to younger gamers in our playtesting expect that some of the monsters may be a little scary for gamers 8 years and younger.  The Audio for the game is very basic but to the point of how the game is design.  Everything in the audio fits for the game from the gunshots, to enemies and objects that are represented.  The game is presented in 5.1 surround sound and does a great job with surround sounds.  As the game does not have any spoken dialog there is only text for the characters in the game.  In our playtesting, we did not hear anything offensive in the game for any gamers in your gaming family, as the game is rated T – For Teen there was no foul or offensive language to be heard whatsoever.  The Controls are set up in a first-person shooter way in which if you are familiar in playing first person shooters then you would be at home.  There are no ADS (Aim Down Sights) so everything is default.  Also, the left trigger is for using to jump which is a little off but once you start playing you get use to it.  There is the action button as well reload on the controller settings.  In our playtesting some of our gamers on the Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 had to get use to using the left trigger to jump, outside of this, some getting use to the game controller layout, the game played very smooth and without any problems.   The game can be played with the default controller for your specific console that you are playing on and does not need any type of special controller.

 “Shadow of the Loot Box does a great job of making fun of the industry in where microtransactions are more common, however we wished that there were more levels to go loot box crazy”

Family Friendly

I have to say that when we got this game from the developer to review, our staff could not stop laughing at the game, its content and how they were dead on accurate about how other developers use loot boxes to keep nickel and diming gamers to get better gear and extend the life of their games.  Shadow of the Loot Box does a great job of poking fun about this and make the game very family friendly to play.  As the game is a first-person shooter, it is not as hardcore shooter as others out there.  Imagine as you are playing Minecraft, and someone made 15 levels of a first-person shooter for it.  This is the best way to describe the gameplay as you get different weapons, ammo to shoot enemies in the game and use the loot boxes to get more ammo, experience and other items.  The game itself is a fun game, and our game testers had a great time playing the game.  Now an interesting part of the game is that the game has a level generator for the loot boxes which we found funny as we were playing the game.  The game is short, most of our testers were able to beat the game within 2 hours but still as the levels are more packed with different things to do, the game does not get stale at all.  If anything this is a game for members in your gaming family that are into shooters but nothing so serious that is more of a casual game.  In our special needs game testing, we did not encounter any issues with the game Graphics, Audio and Controls.  The game was a blast with our special needs gamers and they had a fun time playing the game.  As the game is rated T – For Teen, we felt that the game should have received a E10 rating as the T rating was a little too much and there was not enough to justify a Teen rating.


So if you love games that make fun of the industry, shooters or games that are just fun, Shadow of the Loot Box is a great game for your digital gaming family.  The game is short but still a lot of fun.


  • Graphics are fun to look at and easy to follow on the screen.
  • Making fun of the gaming industry is fun to see unfold in the game.
  • Different variations of levels that keeps the gameplay fresh..


  • Game is short, around 1-2 hours to beat.
  • Some of the later levels can get challenging for newer shooter gamers.


Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.
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