As the end of the month is upon us, we here at the office got a chance to test out two different but fun family friendly games, Quantic Pinball and I and Me.
Quantic pinball is a digital pinball game that is available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. The game has 6 tables and a special table designed around a 30 seconds per wave in which you have to destroy via hitting the aliens with the pinballs. Each of the other tables are designed to be viewed in a top down format in which you play the game of pinball. There are objectives on the table and after you meet the objectives you can then open a gate to exit the table and go onto the next one. I got a chance to sit down and play the game after we tested Quantic Pinball with our gaming family and saw what they thought of the game. To read our review on Quantic Pinball click here to go directly to the review, see our thoughts and some video footage of the game in action.
I and Me is a very charming puzzle/platform game that is available on the Nintendo Switch. In this game you control two black cats in which from the levels that you play on you must solve how to get both cats into the boxes. The levels will have lots of platforming, switch pushing and other things to do to get to your goal. This in my honest opinion is one of the more charming games available on the Nintendo Switch. From the calm piano music to the easy controls, this is a great game for parents and children alike to play. Be sure to read our review here and watch some video of our gameplay footage of I and Me.
As always both games are available now on their respective consoles digital stores, ready for purchase and download now! Any questions about the games, content, or even gameplay be sure to contact us on social media and use the #askFGR
#quanticpinball #iandme