Coming off a holiday weekend and our gaming testing families finally coming back to the office we had a great time reviewing two difficult but wonderful shooters that need to be in your digital library! The first one is Purple Chicken Spaceman, a tough as nails 2d side scroller shooter, where you play as a chicken to save the galaxy from the evil aliens. The second game on our review list is Fission Superstar X, another 2d side scroller where you must take a nuclear bomb across the solar system, while trying to survive the hordes of assault from enemies.
Don’t let the name of the game fool you, Purple Chicken Spaceman is a great shooter, hard but great to play. In this game you are a purple chicken, flying through space, trying to save the galaxy from evil aliens. This 2D shooter reminded me of a 90’s stylish cartoon with its very detail characters, background and catchy music, but let me tell you that the game difficulty is very brutal. Not game breaking brutal but more like a Cuphead style of difficulty. You have 3 health points, and throughout the level you can obtain more, but once those health points are used up its game over. The game does allow you to carry over any shield and bombs that you get from the level to the next playthrough but still it is a hard, but fun game. Be sure to check out our review and video of Purple Chicken Spaceman.
Ever wanted to be a mad scientist? Or even create a nuclear bomb and parade it across the solar system so it can get the proper send off to any of the planets in our solar system, well if you have answered yes to any of these questions, then Fission Superstar X is your game to have. A rouge like 2d shooter where you must go from your base, across the solar system to take Celine (the nuclear bomb) from planet to planet, deciding weather or not do denote her on the planet. With the ability to get better crew, weapons and upgrades a very simple controller layout and a risk/reward style of gameplay where if your ship is destroyed, it is back to the beginning. Yes, it sounds very brutal, but trust us when we say that this is a great game to play and the reward when reaching a boss fight and winning is so much fun. Be sure to read our review of Fission Superstar X and see why this is a great game for your digital library.
As always be sure to check your console digital store for Purple Chicken Spaceman (Xbox One) and Fission Superstar X (Xbox One, PC) both that are available now. Be sure to download these games and give it a try!