Omega Strike and Huntdown

Omega Strike and Huntdown

A great week in reviews with two great games that are similar and still different at the same time.  This week we had a chance to get our hands on a great Metroidvania style game that is Omega Strike.  In order to take the fight to the evil Dr. Omega, you must switch to use three different heroes in real time to go from level to level, gaining power ups and defeating enemies as you go along.  A great Metroidvania style game for those that love games like this.  Huntdown is another 2D shooter that is in the distant future where you can choose from three different bounty hunters and go after your bounties in this side scroller shooter.  Running at 60 FPS and just 16-bit graphics that look like it was taken from the 90’s, any fans of 90’s sci-fi movies or television shows will just fall in love with this shooter.

In Omega Strike you take on the role of Sarge and two other soldiers Bear, and Daz to take on the evil Dr. Omega.  The game is a 16-bit style action/platformer where you can switch in real time from the three different characters that all have different skills, specials, and weapons to complete levels, fight bosses and get the necessary power up and upgrades to reach other areas.  The game has a fantastic soundtrack that fits well with the gameplay and a Metroidvania style of gameplay that encourages players to revisit areas to get more treasure chests and other secrets. A great game for any fans of shooter and Metroidvania style of games.  Be sure to check out our review here and watch some gameplay video below of Omega Strike in action.


Most of the older testers here in the office are big fans of the 90’s style of action, and sci-fi movies, so much that we quote famous movies and shows all the time here! So, when we received a review code for Huntdown we were super excited to try out this action shooter.  The graphics, sound and gameplay are all throwback to 90’s action/platform shooters.  You have your choice from choosing from three different bounty hunters with different weapons, and skill sets and take on bounty contracts.  With 60 FPS gameplay, great gunplay, mechanics, enemies, and other aspects of this great game that is a must have for any shooter fans in your gaming family.  Be sure to read our review here and check out some fantastic gameplay video below.


As always be sure to check your console digital store for Omega Strike (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC) and Huntdown (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC) both that are available now.  Be sure to download these games and give it a try!

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Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.

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